Jini versus CORBA
Posted by Bill Venners on August 11, 1999 at 7:10 PM
> It is probably my lack of understanding of the JINI technology, > but I am finding it hard to figure out what JINI gives you that > CORBA doesn't already have ? It just so happens that I wrote a FAQ entry last week that I think should answer your question. I haven't had a chance to put it up on the FAQ, but it did go out last week in the Jini Advisor newsletter. Here it is: 1. What is the difference between Jini and CORBA? CORBA is perhaps more akin to RMI than Jini, but CORBA includes a service called the trader service that is somewhat reminiscent of the Jini lookup service. CORBA, which stands for Common Object Request Broker Architecture, enables you to invoke methods on remote objects written in any programming language. RMI, which stands for Remote Method Invocation, enables you to invoke methods on Java objects in remote virtual machines. The objects needn't have been written in the Java programming language, but they do need to be running in a Java virtual machine. Thus, they most likely were written in some language that was compiled to Java class files, and by far the most common language compiled to Java class files is Java. CORBA has a naming service that lets you look up a remote object by name and obtain a remote reference to it. RMI has a registry server that let you do the same thing: look up a remote object by name and obtain a remote reference to it. CORBA departs from RMI, however, in that to use the remote reference by invoking methods on a local stub, CORBA requires that the client have the definition of the stub locally. (In other words, CORBA requires that the code for the stub object be known to the developers that create the client.) RMI, by contrast, can send the class files for a stub object across the wire. Because an RMI client can dynamically load the code for a stub object, that code need not be known to the developers of the client.) CORBA does offer a "dynamic invocation interface" that enables clients to use remote objects without the stub definition, but it is more complex to use than just invoking methods on a local stub. The difference in complexity is similar to the difference between using a Java object through its interface and using the same Java object via the reflection API. Another difference between CORBA and RMI is that RMI lets you pass objects by value as well as by reference when you invoke a remote method. Up until the CORBA/IIOP 2.2 specification was released in 1998, CORBA only allowed you to pass objects by reference. The 2.2 specification added support for objects by value, but this functionality yet may not be supported in many CORBA implementations. A significant difference between CORBA and RMI is that when a subclass object is passed to a remote method by value, CORBA will truncate the object to the type declared in the method parameter list. For example, if a CORBA remote method expects an Animal and the client passes a Dog (a subclass of Animal), the remote object will receive an Animal (a truncated Dog), not a Dog. Because RMI can send the class files for the Dog across the network, the RMI remote object will receive a Dog. If the remote virtual machine has no idea what a Dog is, it will pull the class file for Dog down across the network. As mentioned previously, CORBA does include one service that is reminescent of Jini's lookup service: the CORBA trader service. Instead of just supplying a name with which a remote object is associated, as you do with the CORBA naming service (or the RMI registry), you describe the type of remote object you are seeking. Similarly, you can look up a Jini service by type. The Jini lookup service offers a bit more flexibility in searching, however, because you can also search by a globally unique service ID and by attributes. But the most important difference between the CORBA trader service and the Jini lookup service lies in what they return as a result of the query. The CORBA trader service returns a remote reference to a matching remote object. The Jini lookup service returns a proxy object by value. Thus, when you get a remote reference back from the CORBA trader service (assuming you have the stub definition), you can talk to the remote object by invoking methods on the local stub. The local stub will talk across the network to the remote object via CORBA. When you talk to a Jini service object, on the other hand, that service object may not talk across the network at all. It may implement the service in its entirety locally in the client's virtual machine. Or, it may talk across the network to a server, servers, or some hardware via sockets and streams. Or, the service object may actually be an RMI stub that communicates across the network to a remote RMI object via the RMI wire protocol. The service object returned by Jini can use any network protocol to communicate across the network. It could even use CORBA. bv