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This page contains an archived post to the Jini Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.


Re Reggie needs n/w connection?!

Posted by Tim Berkeley on June 28, 2001 at 7:30 AM

> Hi all,

> I find that I cannot start reggie without having a network connection whether I use "localhost" or computer's hostname. (I'm running Win2k,jdk1.3, Jini1.1) When I unplug the n/w cable and try to start reggie I get the "usual" CreateLookup.create-ActivationFailedException-BindException(set socket failed)

> Any ideas....

> Thanks in advance

> Ben

Your are right. I have just solved this problem on my W2K laptop by installing the loopback driver. This can be done in the add remove hardware control panel applet. Choose 'Add a new device' followed by 'No, I want to select the hardware from a list'
Then choose 'Network adapters' followed by 'Microsoft'

After you install this driver a new 'Local Area Connection' will appear in the Network and Dial-up Connections. Configure this and away you go!

You may also need to be a member of the administrator group for reggie to work.

A Warning:

I have not tried to connect the laptop back to my network since doing this but I assume that you only need to disable the new Local Area Connection.



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