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Running Reggie
Posted by Jakob Jenkov on November 13, 2000 at 3:07 PM
Hi There. As someone correctly pointed out, I've already solved my problem, and here is how I've done. I hope it'll work for you too: 1) Don't run rmiregistry. Rmid takes over it's job in the future. Rmid can startup and close down rmi-activatable objects itself, instead of you having to start you rmi-servers up yourselves !!! Very Clever !!! 2) Run Rmid "d:\Program Files\java\jdk1.3\bin\rmid"\dataToMove\java\jini\jini1_1\example\lookup\policy.all (all in one line) Notice that I've used the policy.all file now. 3) Register Reggie for the FIRST TIME. SET JINI_DIR=d:\dataToMove\java\jini\jini1_1 SET CODEBASE= SET POLICY=d:\dataToMove\java\jini\jini1_1\example\lookup\policy.all SET GROUPS=public SET LOG=d:\dataToMove\java\jini\jini1_1\reggie_log "d:\program files\java\jdk1.3\bin\java" -jar %JINI_DIR%\lib\reggie.jar %CODEBASE% d:\dataToMove\java\jini\jini1_1\example\lookup\policy.all d:\dataToMove\java\jini\jini1_1\reggie_log %GROUPS%
Comments: If I startup the service browser BEFORE I startup rmid, I'll never find the registrars, even after long time of waiting. Start rmid first, then the service browser.
Notice that I'm NOT using the reggie-dl.jar in the codebase. Instead I've used the reggie.jar. I got a strange Exception (don't remember which) when trying to use the reggie-dl.jar while registering Reggie with rmid. I hope this gives you some kind of clue as to what may be wrong. If not, feel free to email me with your service parameters etc. and I'll see if I can help.
Regards, Jakob Jenkov Copenhagen, Denmark :-)