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Java really missed an opportunity here.
Posted by Sundar Narasimhan on 31 Oct 1998, 2:36 PM
There are really two (at least) orthogonal issues conflated in these discussions. 1. Empty constructors: Here I feel that Java missed an opportunity here. If you look at Lisp and CLOS, you'll see that Java could very well have "abolished" constructors with the same name as that of a class. (i.e. why have Point(..) create instances of a point. Why not make do with a "make-instance" class-name, and a variable list of args?). i.e. whenever you want to create an object .. you always have to do: SomeObject f = Class.makeInstance("SomeObject", arglist); This would have unified "bean" constructors and default constructors and obviated half of the confusion. 2. Whether or not "all" objects should be serializable. I think people who call for this are "bean bigots". In my experience they tend to programmers who have never run across functional programming concepts such as closures, continuations or infinite streams. I'd suggest that if you read up on these concepts it will become apparent why "serialization" of such objects/classes rarely makes sense. Regards, and thanks for a very useful discussion.