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HotSpot on Merced looks nice...
Posted by Cagatay Kavukcuoglu on 19 Jun 1998, 1:56 AM
I don't hear much about the potential of HotSpot on a VLIW architecture like Merced. They are particularly well suited to each other because VLIW depends heavily on the compiler to do optimization and find out "hidden" parallelism. The downside is the dependence of the compiler, and so the binaries to a particular microprocessor architecture (I know EPIC has some tricks like templates that helps with this). What HotSpot means for VLIW is a change from hardware-based runtime optimization (out of order execution, branch prediction, vs.) to a software-based solution to manage the runtime image of an application. IMHO, the fact that HotSpot can do this at runtime instead of compile-time will mean a performance advantage over traditional compilers Every time I hear Intel doing Java research, the more I believe they have already thought this out...But it's just me, maybe.