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Inlining details
Posted by Chris Smith on 16 Jun 1998, 6:19 PM
I'm not sure if this forum is still around... I see lots of messages from ~ June 1, but here's a shot. Was the article just simplified from a technical perspective, or do we really not know more about how this method inlining would function? It doesn't make much sense to me because at best you'll still be left with a conditional branch in the code, one direction of which is a function call, and that doesn't seem much easier to optimize around than a method call. And it certainly seems slower in and of itself than it would be to just call a function indirectly (a single instruction even on the 6052, much less modern CPU architectures!) Maybe I'm just confused though. Could someone lay out some pseudocode of what exactly the inlining is doing? I'm sorta interested in the technique. Thanks, Chris Smith OU