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Yup, still hype
Posted by Bill Venners on 01 Jun 1998, 12:02 PM
> "The Hotspot Java virtual machine promises to bring Java program performance on par with that of natively compiled C++. In fact ... could eventually push Java performance past that of statically compiled C++." > I take it this refers to some crippled model of C++ where pointer arithmetic is not permitted, objects are assumed to be dynamically allocated even where the programmer can easily avoid it, array checking is forced etc. > Java syntax simply does not have the capability to instruct the processor as precisely as C++. > Also, I see nothing about improving the incredibly slow startup times of Java programs. Even quite small programs take several seconds to start from a hard disk. It is true I have only dealt with applets - maybe applications are faster? I do agree with you that Hotspot is being hyped at the moment, because we only know what Sun is telling us about it. We haven't actually seen it. But the techniques described do sound promising. In fact, when I look at the techniques they describe, it makes sense to me that Java programs could run "as fast as C++," and may even be able to run "faster than C++," as Sun is claiming. I think that superstitions about performance abound, and where actual performance bottlenecks lie is often very non-intuitive. My article explains adaptive optimization, the "big idea" of Hotspot, which shows how the performance critical sections of a Java program can be transformed into native code as heavily optimized as statically compiled C++. That is the main thing that tells me that Java could indeed match C++ performance. But, you say, what about all the safey-checks built into Java that don't exist in C++? Once again, the performance impact of all these Java features isn't necessarily as costly as they may seem on the surface. To take two examples from your comment, array bounds checking needn't always be performed in a Java program, because in some cases the optimizer can determine that the bounds will never be exceeded, and remove the checks. In addition, only those array-bounds checks that are in the time-critical portion of the code matter to performance. Another biggy is that Java makes all objects sit on the heap, where C++ gives the programmer a choice between heap and stack. The C++ lore is that making an object a local variable sitting on the stack is much faster than allocating it on the heap, thus, wouldn't that make Java programs by definition slower than C++ programs? Well, it isn't so straightfoward a comparison, because it all depends on memory allocation and garbage collection algorithms and their associated costs. For example, when a C++ function is called, the stack pointer can simply be incremented past all required local variable data, including objects. So with one add operation, you've allocated memory for the objects. When the function exits, the destructor must be called on any objects sitting there, and then the stack pointer can be decremented back to its original value, thereby "freeing" the memory occupied by those local objects. When a C++ object is allocated on the heap, a fancier (and more time consuming) operation must take place. A basic malloc() (or
new ) could simply search through a linked list of open slots of memory until it finds one big enough, mark that slot as taken, update the linked list, and return the pointer to the allocated memory. This algorithm would yield a fragemented heap over time and would yield expensive dynamic allocation. There are, however, other approaches malloc() could take. It could slice up the heap into bins, each of which contains some number of like-sized chunks of memory. So there might be a bin with 1000 8-byte chunks, a bin with 1000 16 byte chunks, and so on. This malloc() would just return a pointer to one of the smallest chunks in which the allocated object would fit. So if your program allocated an 11-byte object, malloc() would return a pointer to a 16-byte chunk and 5 of the bytes would be unused. This techniques trades off some memory for speedier allocation time. So the actual difference in performance cost between dynamic allocation and stack allocation in C++ depends on what malloc() or new is actually doing. Likewise, the cost of object allocation in Java depends on what is going on when you allocate a new object. One heap model, which I describe in my book and which is used by Microsoft's VM, is called stop and copy. In this model, the heap is divided into two halves. To allocate an object, the VM merely increments a pointer up the heap to make enough space for the object. This is basically a similar process to making space for an object on the stack in C++, though incrementing a stack pointer may be faster than incrementing a heap pointer. Regardless, it is likely faster than allocating an object on the heap in C++. When a half-heap fills up with objects, execution is stopped, and the garbage collector identifies and copies all live objects to the other half-heap. In this way, the heap is never fragmented. So in this picture, allocating an object on a Java heap looks not much more expensive than allocating an object on a C++ stack. But one must also ask the question, is calling a C++ destructor less expensive than the garbage collection process that a Java program must use. And the answer to that one is a resounding yes. Garbage collection will almost certainly more expensive than plain old destruction, because it has to do so much more work to figure out what to free. But once again, that doesn't necessarily mean that all Java programs will run slower than C++ programs. Many programs have times when they aren't doing anything, for example they may be waiting on something to come across the network or for the user to click a button. In such slots GC could be run without negatively impacting the "performance" of the program. In addition, many Java programs may execute completely without every needing a garbage collection. In other words, they may run and never run out of memory. So that's a long way of saying that it is hard to predict performance by guessing at the impact of language features or VM features. The best way to do it is by measuring actual Java programs running on actual JVMs. So once we get our hands on Hotspot and can try it out, then we'll see the extent to which Sun delivers on its claims of bringing Java performance on par with C++. bv