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static final fields and static initializers
Posted by Thierry Bezecourt on 22 May 1998, 2:39 AM
I am reading your April article in JavaWorld. You write that : "References to static final variables initialized to a compile-time constant are resolved at compile-time to a local copy of the constant value". So, apparently, the static initializer is not called when a final static member is used. The sample code below illustrates that. Don't you think it might be confusing ? Sample code : public class FinalTest { public static void main(String argv[]) { System.out.println("final = "+Loaded.x); // The static initializer of Loaded in the following line : System.out.println("non-final = "+Loaded.y); } } class Loaded { static { System.out.println("\tInitialization of Loaded"); } public static final String x = "final"; public static String y = "non-final"; }