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This page contains an archived post to the Design Forum (formerly called the Flexible Java Forum) made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.
If you are using swing, you can just extend the class JLabel (or ToolTipManager - I'm not sure, but you can look in the source) and call processMouseMotionEvent when you need to - everything is usually done there. Swing is written completely in java, without any peers, so you can make it do anything. There is also a very nice class Robot in java.awt. You can just write Robot r = new Robot (); and it will actually move the mouse anywhere you want. You can click, press any keys, get the image from the screen. (You can make it press Ctrl-C, and the program will be stopped; Alt+Ctrl+Del, and it will show the Close Program dialog, if you are using Windows).
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