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A, B, X
Posted by Bill Venners on 03 Jun 1998, 1:50 PM
> Suppose there is object A holding reference to another > object B's innerclass instance, say X. Now assign B to null. > Inner classe instance X does not reference any variables of B. > I thought B should be garbage collected because nobody is > using this. > I tested it and found that SUN's JVM doesn't gc object B. > What's your take on this? There are two reasons this would happen. First, B wasn't really unreferenced (I'll explain below). Second, even if B really was unreferenced, Sun's JVM may not have felt like garbage collecting B at the moment. JVMs are allowed to be quite idiosyncratic about when and how they do garbage collection. Even if you say System.gc(), that just means you are giving the VM a hint that this would be a good time to do GC, but the VM is free to ignore your hint entirely if it wants. But the interesting answer to your question is that instances of inner classes (in this case X) contain a reference to each of their enclosing instances (in this case, just B). So X contained a hidden referenced to B, which was automatically generated by the Java compiler. Since A referenced X and X referenced B, B won't get garbage collected. Inner classes need a reference to an instance of each of their their enclosing classes so that the inner classes can invoke instance methods and fiddle with instance variables on the instances of their enclosing classes. For more info on this, check out the "How do inner classes affect the idea of this in Java code?" section of the Inner Classes Spec. bv