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Running out of memory
Posted by Ranganath Samudrala on 20 Jul 1998, 1:10 PM
Hello Everybody, I am having a strange problem with my java program. I wonder if this is related to running out of memory or something else. I wonder if anybody else has encountered similar problems. In any case please reply with suggestions. The problem is that my java program just stops mid-way through. I tried to find reasons and one thing I noticed was that the available memory would go down to around 0.1Meg just before stopping. I noticed that the available memory progressively reduces. The total memory available is around 1M. I tried to call "gc()" and "runFinalization" methods explicitly and the program seems to run for a little bit longer time. Could this be a problem with the GC not being run often? I have tried to set object references to "null" wherever possible, but it does not seem to help much. Is there anyway to increase the total available memory to more than 1M programmatically? If one needs more information to answer this question I will be glad to provide it. Right now I will provide some information: The program extracts information from an Oracle database "using an OCI-7 driver- provided by Oracle" and ships it to a client over a socket. Thanks in advance Ranga