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Calling close() twice
Posted by Bill Venners on 14 May 1998, 1:07 PM
One of the things in the LogFile class of this article that could potentially be redundant is that I call close() on both FileOutputStream and PrintWriter. One might expect that the close() on PrintWriter would in turn call close() on the ObjectStream is wraps, but this isn't clear from the documentation. (I looked in several places.) The documentation for OutputStream's close() does say it "releases any system resources associated with the stream," which is what I was looking to do. So I call close() twice just to be sure. Seems like this happens from time to time, and it isn't usually good enough to just try it and see if it works, because even if it works on the environment I happen to be using, if it isn't well specified, then there may be other Java environments out there where it doesn't work. So I try to program defensively (here, defending against vague documentation and potentially against various ways the Java environment can be implemented by different vendors.)