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Re: Simpler code for equals(); please review
Posted by Michael on January 24, 2000 at 1:25 AM
> The code for equals() in the article ensures that the Object passed as an argument is of the same type > as itself by trying a typecast; failure results in a ClassCastException which is caught ... > > I saw this simpler code elsewhere: > if (obj != null && (obj instanceof this.getClass())) ... > Is this OK? Or are there any hidden glitches in this that aren't apparent to me? Yes, it's OK, but it could still be even shorter. It's OK to use a null reference with the instanceof operator, it'll just return false. Also, there's little need for the method call to get the current class's class, since you're in that file anyway. Hence: public boolean equals(Object o) { if( !( o instanceof Worker )) { return false; } Worker w = (Worker) o; return (name.equals( && doList.equals(w.doList)); } -------------- In addition, I have no problem with the readability of the previously posted version of equals(...), class A { public boolean equals(A a) { /* make sure a!=null, otherwise just compare members */ } public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof A)? equals((A) o) : false; } } (...I assume the "performance" advantage that was suggested is found in the potential frequency of calling equals() with another object of the same reference type (ie, A::equals(A)), thus preventing the polymorphic lookup and the unnecessary "instanceof" call??) Thanks, Michael