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argh ~~
Posted by Chin Loong on October 26, 2001 at 5:02 AM
dang... they don't capture the spaces >,< #assuming left-bottom most square is (0,0) and coord <=> (i,j) 1. i don't know why but i always start with the top row of the matrix, in the middle. place "1" there. ((int)(i_max/2)+1),j_max) 2. head north-east. (i+1,j+1) for(int NUMBER=2;NUMBER<=nxn;NUMBER++) { ....IF it's a valid square (inside the matrix and empty) ....{ the NUMBER there. ....} ....ELSE (it's not a valid square) ....{ ........IF it's outside the matrix ........{ ............IF the destination column (i+1) is valid (inside matrix) ............{ the NUMBER at the bottom of the column (i+1,j_min) ............} ............ELSE IF the destination row (j+1) is valid (inside matrix) ............{ the next number at the left end of the row (i_min,j+1) ............} ............ELSE IF both the column and row not valid - outside matrix) ............{ ................go down one square (i,j-1) and place the NUMBER there ............} ........} ........ELSE (if not invalid square, must be non-empty square) ........{ ............go down one square (i,j-1) and place the NUMBER there ........} ....} }
- Argh ~~ Matt Gerrans October 26, 2001 at 3:51 PM
- boxes galore ~ Chin Loong October 26, 2001 at 5:08 AM