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Question about using signcode.
Posted by Sunny Park on October 13, 2000 at 12:01 AM
Hi~~ ^^ I'm studying 'Signed Applet'.. and I'm using 'SDK for Java 4.0'... As you know there are some steps using the Signtool.... like this..makecert, cert2spc, cabarc, signcode, chktrust. I excute these tools step by step.. but, I face a problem at the signcode tool. This is the result that I excute tools. and There is the error message at the end of the result. Please... help me... Y_Y What means the error message.. and How can I control the error. ====================================== E:\sun-java\test\newplayer>makecert -sk SunnyKey -n "CN=SunHee" SunnyCer.cer Succeeded E:\sun-java\test\newplayer>cert2spc SunnyCer.cer SunnySpc.spc Succeeded E:\sun-java\test\newplayer>cabarc -r -p n *.* Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 1.00.602.2 (08/14/97) Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1994-1997. All rights reserved. Creating new cabinet '' with compression 'MSZIP': -- adding -- adding Hello.dll -- adding SunnyCer.cer -- adding call.html -- adding HelloWorld.class -- adding SunnySpc.spc Completed successfully E:\sun-java\test\newplayer>signcode -j Hello.dll -jp low -spc SunnySpc.spc -k SunnyKey Error: Signcode Failed. Result = 8007007f, (-2147024769)