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This page contains an archived post to the Java Answers Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.
> Running the servlet,the Error is javax.net.ssl.SSLException: untrusted server cert chain. > > > Please help me!Thank you!
<-- Security providers. Adding JSSE looks like: --> but this site gave me a file with a certificate.... I'm a little bit -------------------------------- I think you need to import the certificate from that site into the Java (this is all on one command line) one reason might be that the server name in the cert and the server name specify keystore 1, import the server's certificate file to a keystore of the random key to start an SSL connection (about 3 seconds on a 600Mz PIII). To use this implementation, download the JSSE package from the Sun URL above, then: 2. After the jars are in place, you must modify the file "java.security" to allow usage of the providers found within the jars. Find the file 3. Add the following line to the file java.security: Then start using URLs like "https://myhost" within the test rig. The HTTPS protocol will automatically cause new provider classes within the extention jars to be employed for a java.net.URL class and its related connections. Note that you should NOT add these jars to the CLASSPATH. Javax jars are accessed by the JVM by their inclusion in the magic "ext" folder. javax.net.ssl.SSLException: untrusted server cert chain Cause 1: This is generally caused by the remote side sending a Solution 1: The best way to debug this type of problem is to turn on Cause 2: The system clock is not set correctly. Solution 2: If the clock is not set correctly, the perceived time may be Cause 3: Older versions of Java 2 Enterprise Edition use earlier Solution 3: Be sure that the new JSSE jar files occur in the class did you set the env variable JSSE_HOME and Look at point 4 on INSTALL.txt, in the JSSE package. |
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