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Posted by jbv on March 30, 2001 at 12:05 AM
> > I want to test a servlet given in Thiking in Java 2 by Bruce Eckel.In the last, writter has suggest to test your servlets, > > download the tomcat Implementation from > > To me,things are not clear on this site,so I'm not able download > > the software. > > WOuld you please tell me step by step procedures,so that I can start working on servelets and JSP's.For example,name of the > > servlet testing software,where to make the web server and every > > thing involved in running a servlet and jsp. > I have used the jsdk2.1 to test the examples in tij2. > You can download it from > By the way, to run a servlet look at the configuration files : > and > > located in the web-inf directory, there is an example for running > one called SnoopServlet. > I was no able to run any jsp pages, though you can see the proper > .jsp entry relating to the jsp servlet in the > archive. Any help about running jsp pages in the jsdk2.1?