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An inner class inherit another inner class
Posted by MaBo on October 24, 2000 at 1:59 AM
Hi,all I got a problem on Java inner class inheritation.See, public class A { public class InnerInA { public InnerInA(X x) {...} } public A() {sth valueble...} } public class B extends A { A parent = null; public class InnerInB entends A.InnerInA { InnerInB(X x) { //must get a ref of the outer class of InnerInA parent.super(x); } } public B() { super(); parent=new A(); } } Is it correct? if it's not,what's wrong? if you think it's correct,why can't I compile it? what I get are:1 you should use "this" (this.parent.super(x)in constructor of InnerInB)2.cannot parse this sentence. I use JDK 1.3. Thank you in advance. yours MaBo