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how to solve this problem
Posted by hemant kaddu on November 09, 2000 at 7:55 AM
/* Genarel Infomation 1: Programme for Collage Admission a) Enquiry Form 1) Enquiry no, 2) Name, 3) Address, 4) last Qualifiction Percentage, 5) Interested field (fields 1 to 9), b) Enterance Exam I) Enquiry no, II) a4 III)10 Quations,relating to a5 IV) Negative marks, V) entrExamtol= a4+ III - IV if any c) Classified 1) bII+bV>45 and < 60 a or b or c, 2) bII+bV>60 or <90 d or e or f, 3) bII+bV>90 g or h or i, d) Conform Admission 1) Class Capacity(quta), 2) Roll no, 3) Waiting= a1 -c 1 to 3- d1 4) leaving student =d1 -d4 take from Waiting (within 30 day) e) uniExam 1) d3 = seatno, 2) compSub=4 3) opSub3(d2) f) Certification 1) seat no 2) e2and e3 3)total (e2+e3) g) Gread 1)<40 fail, 2)>60 c, 3)< 75 b,4)>80 programming Details2:- a)class b)inner class */ //======================================================================= import*; //for DataInputStream class EnquiryForm //a { int Enquiryno[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; String Name; String Address; Float lastQualifictionPercentage; String Interestedfield[]= {"Hardware","Managemant","Maths", "Networking","KM","Java", "C++","Oracle","Prolog" };//(fields 1 to 9) /* The privevous Enquaries and its Number from last befor Enterering New Enquiry form and the student will Enter the Next Enquary No and his Details. */ void enquiryno() { for(int i=0;i { System.out.println(" Enquiry no "+Enquiryno[i]); } try { DataInputStream in =new DataInputStream(; System.out.print(" Enter your Enquiries no "); System.out.flush(); String EnquiryString =in.readLine(); int Enquiryno=Integer.parseInt(EnquiryString); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("I/O Error"); System.exit(1); } } /* student's Names ,Address , Last percentage */ void otherDetails() { try { DataInputStream in =new DataInputStream(; System.out.print(" Enter your Name "); System.out.flush(); String Name =in.readLine(); System.out.print(" Enter your Address "); System.out.flush(); String Address =in.readLine(); System.out.print(" Enter last percentage(,B.Sc Diploma or Degree) " ); System.out.flush(); String lastQualiPerString =in.readLine(); lastQualifictionPercentage=Float.valueOf(lastQualiPerString); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("I/O Error"); System.exit(1); } } /* There are 9 options and student chooses 3 out of 9 */ void interestedfield() { // --------------- System.out.println("Your Choices are "); for(int j=1;j { System.out.print(j+" Your "); System.out.println("choices is ? " + Interestedfield[j]); } System.out.print(" Enter No only [ 1 to 9 ] "); System.out.println(" "); try { DataInputStream in =new DataInputStream(; for(int i=1;i<4;i++) { System.out.print(i+" Enter your Choise ") ; System.out.flush(); String Interestedfield =in.readLine(); } } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("I/O Error"); System.exit(1); } try { DataInputStream in =new DataInputStream(; System.out.flush(); switch(Interestedfield.length) { case '1': case 'a': System.out.println("Hardware:Interestedfield 1"); System.out.print("Hardware"); break; case '2': case 'b': System.out.println("Managemant:Interestedfield 2"); System.out.print("Mangemant"); break; case '3': case 'c': System.out.println("Maths"); System.out.print("Maths"); break; case '4': case 'd': System.out.println("Networking"); System.out.print("Networking"); break; case '5': case 'e': System.out.println("KM"); System.out.print("KM"); break; case '6': case 'f': System.out.println("Java"); System.out.print("Java"); break; case '7': case 'g': System.out.println("C++"); System.out.print("C++"); break; case '8': case 'h': System.out.println("Oracle"); System.out.print("Oracle"); break; case '9': case 'i': System.out.println("Prolog"); System.out.print("Prolog"); break; default : System.out.println("Invalid Choice"); } if(1==Interestedfield.length) { System.out.print("Hardware"); } if(2==Interestedfield.length) { System.out.print("Mangemant"); } if(3==Interestedfield.length) { System.out.print("Maths"); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("I/O Error"); } // --------------- } } class EnteranceExam extends EnquiryForm //b { char Quations; int Negativemarks; int entrExamTol; //= III -(IV(if any)) void EnteranceExam(int Enquiryno[],String Name,String Address) { // super(Enquiryno[],Name,Address); // Quations=x; // Negativemarks=y; // entrExamTol=z; //= III -(IV(if any)) } void enteranceExam() { } } class Classified extends EnteranceExam //c { /* 1) bII+bV>60 a or b or c, 2) bII+bV<80 d or e or f, 3) bII+bV>90 g or h or i, */ char selection;// with a5 } class ConformAdmission extends EnteranceExam //e { final static int ClassCapacity = 4; // int ClassCapacity; //(quta), int Rollno; int Waiting; //= a1-c4-d1 } class uniExam extends ConformAdmission //e { int seatno; //d3 int compSub4; //=4 int opSub3; //(d2) } class Certification extends uniExam //f { int seatno; // e2 and e3 int total; //(e2+e3) } class Gread extends Certification //g { int gread; // g2 // 1)<40 fail, 2)>60 c, 3) < 75 b, 4)>90 genous } class try2 { public static void main(String args[]) { EnquiryForm a =new EnquiryForm(); a.enquiryno(); a.otherDetails(); a.interestedfield(); // EnteranceExam b=new EnteranceExam(); } }