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Legacy Java Answers Forum
May 2000



This page contains an archived post to the Java Answers Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.


re: Memory

Posted by Joe P on May 02, 2001 at 6:30 PM

This is not a complete answer,
but a possible start. Try increasing the heap size with the interpreter command-line switch -mx

java -mx128m MyClass

(should translate to 128MB heap size) the only docs I found on the subject stated 32MB max, but increasing the number has allowed me to load an array of 1.5 million strings with the Java compiler eating about 170Megs of Ram on my NT Box.

Hope this helps.


> Hello all,

> what is the biggest amount of memory one can have under Java? From my experience: in MS-Windows NT 4 it is less than 64 MByte (JDK 1.2.2). Under SGI's IRIX 6.5 (JDK 1.1.6) it seemed to be 32 MByte.

> In the Java Answers Forum, I looked for the headlines of all (69) hits for 'memory'. But I found nothing very promising, so I put my question here.

> Sincerely Yours


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