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Implementing Push server Technology
Posted by Pavan Kumar Keely on June 27, 2001 at 2:45 AM
Hi Devarsh, use the Socket programming from the applet, which will establish a socket to the server running at some place. Establish the streams and the info you need to send with the streams. Only restriction is, the server should be running at the system, from where the applet has been downloaded. I think this may solve your problem. If you want more detailed explaination please feel free to contact me at thank you Pavan Kumar Keely Memeber, product development team, Quillis India > when a user login to a page, one applet at client place should inform the program running at server, that the client has login. This applet will send userid of the client to the server. Now if > there is any message for client then the server automatically reads that message from a database table(Oracle table) and push it back to the client. How to implement the client and server communication. Rest all can be done by me. If possible then please write me in detail.