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This page contains an archived post to the Java Answers Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.
I have searched high and low for the answer to this question. I have been on many other web sites where people are searching for the answer to this same question, but no one replies with an answer. I am quite frustrated, and yet I believe the answer is probably a simple one. I have designed a very simple JApplet. It is a single button. It works fine in Appletviewer, but on IE 5.0 or Netscape 4.6, I get the following error message on the Java Console:
Here is the very simple code: import javax.swing.*;
public void init() As you can see, I have a constructor. My CLASSPATH reads: I want to mention that supposedly, you don't need a classpath defined in the environment variables for java 1.2 My path statement includes the following: c:\jdk1.3.0_02\bin;c:\progra~1\javasoft\jre\1.3.0_02\bin Any help would be WONDERFUL. Thanks in advance, Peter Proud-Madruga Replies:
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