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How can i transform a shape ?
Posted by Francisco Ca�ete on June 07, 2000 at 5:23 PM
Hello, i hope u can help me. I rotate rectangle by executing these sentences: ... r2 = new Rectangle2D.Float(50,50,50,100); AffineTransform rot45 = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(90,0.0,0.0); g2d.setTransform(rot45); g2d.draw(r2); But what i really want is to get the new coordinates of the rotated rectangle, because if i ask for X,Y points the response will be (50,50), although the rectangle has been rotated 90 degrees. If I try to create a new rectangle by calling createTransformedShape, i get an executing error?!! This is the code: Rectangle b = new Rectangle((Rectangle)rot45.createTransformedShape(r2)); I 've tried the same with line2d and the same has happened. Can tell me how can i get the new coordinates of a shape after rotating it ? Thanks for all