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This page contains an archived post to the Java Answers Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.
...especially since that means I get another chance to do it correctly. But, I'll pass on that opportunity and just ask for the grade. > > On another front, while looking at your code, I noticed a problem in the display of the less-than symbol: it gets treated as HTML and the for-loops get all messed up. The problem can be solved by using < to get the "<" symbol to show (even inside the pre blocks). However, now when you look in the message text area below, all is fine. So there is a dichotomy: using the HTML symbols in the code posting will give a nice display, but the code cannot be cut-and-pasted (from the text area) into your favorite editor and easily compiled (you'll have to change the HTML symbols first). Oh well.
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