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January 2002



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abstract factories

Posted by Chin Loong on January 23, 2002 at 6:03 AM

this is exactly how it was done in my previous company.

i was just beginning to learn java at the time, so it was really a hell trying to catch up. anyway, the structure is something like this : (not really sure coz i can't really remember, and i didn't really catch up at this part too... :p too busy learning servlets and jsp at that time.)

public class DataManager
// initializes database driver if not already initialized
// obtains connection and etc.

i.e. if we were supposed to access data from table [customer]

public abstract class AbstractCustomer extends DataManager
public static Customer findByPrimaryKey(int id);
// etc etc

public class DB2CustomerDM extends AbstractCustomer // for DB2
public static Customer findByPrimaryKey(int id)
// obtains connection and sends SELECT query to db2

public class MYSQLCustomerDM extends AbstractCustomer // mySQL
public static Customer findByPrimaryKey(int id)
// obtains connection and sends SELECT query to mysql

during execution :

public void someMethod(int id)
String dbFactory = // read from properties file that might contain
// values like
// and subsitute the value into the string
AbstractCustomer aCustomer=(AbstractCustomer)Class.forName(dbFactory).newInstance();
Customer customer=aCustomer.findByPrimaryKey(id);

so there'll be a properties file or rather, an LDAP server that matches the list of database tables with the correct factory.

or something like that.. this is from what i barely remembered during my 3-month internship there. massive learning at that time.. didn't get to catch up on this concept. caught up on jsp and servlets though :p

anyway, they got some kind of horizontal framework that they later extend into vertical framework for the community portal products that they make. marketing stuff :p


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