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DeSerializing without class casting.
Posted by M Nelson on January 16, 2001 at 3:42 PM
> I've Serialized object in database in String format, I want to know how to bring it back to > object without ClassCasting , because the program that do unserialize is > know classname at Runtime so it can't use ClassCasting Method If you have searalized the object to a file, you should be able to read the object back from the searalized file without having to cast it.
User the readObject method of an ObjectInputStream to obtain an instance of Object. Then you can use reflection as necessary to determine the class of the object you have just read. Something like: ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("serialfile.ser")): Object o = ois.readObject(); System.out.prinln("Object Class is: " + o.getClass().getName()); For more information on serialization, see the very helpful TechTip on Sun's web site: