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Posted by ADIL on February 08, 2001 at 12:59 PM
HI I WOULD BE REALLY GRATEFUL IF YOU CAN HELP ME WITH THE FOLLOEING TASKS. I NEED THE ANSWERS FOR THE FOLLOWING TASKS BY WEDNEDAY THE 14th OF FEBRUARY. I WOULD BE REALLY GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD HELP ME BY ANSWERING IT AND SENDING IT TO ME ON THE EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW A class called Vehicle is required by a programmer who is writing software for a car dealer. An object of the class Vehicle will consist of a registration number, the make of the vehicle, the year of manufacture and the current value of the vehicle. Methods should be provided to read each of these values from an object. There should also be a method which accepts a year as input, and returns the age of the vehicle. First, design and code the class Vehicle. Second, design and code a subclass called SecondHand Vehicle. This subclass should have an attribute (and method) that keeps track of the number of owners it has had. In this method, override the method that returns age, so that it returns the average amount of time it has served with each owner. Third, write a menu-driven program that offers the following options: 1. Add a vehicle 2. display a list of vehicle details, including age/owners. 3. delete a vehicle 4. quit When you add a vehicle you should let the user decide whether it is second hand or not. ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU AND I HOPE THAT YOU CAN HELP ME VERY SOON.