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Posted by siva on December 27, 2000 at 9:52 AM
Thanx for your answer.It is now working. I have more doubt in importing packages I have already set class path"c:\siva\java"as you mentioned.Both package1,pacakge2 are in the directry c:\siva\java pacakge package1; public class Box { public Box(int a, int b){ int len = a; int wid = b; } } I stored this file in package1 directry Then the next file is in package2 import package1.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args){ Box box= new Box(2,4); } } When compiling both files ,no error message.But when the Test.class is run using the command "java package2.test" excption message comes the message "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:package2/Test(wrong name:Test)" Could you give reason for this? Thanx Siva