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This page contains an archived post to the Java Answers Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.
2. put it in a directory called package1 3. come one directory previous to that 4. compile like javac mypackage\Test.java 5. Run it from there itself. 6. It will absolutely works inspite of classpath and all. 7. For this the most important thing is in CLASSPATH there must be one . in the CLASSPATH. That . denotes for the current directory. If you include that , then the VM will take the classpath from there itself. O.K. ie. CLASSPATH=.;C:\JDK1.2.2\LIB\tools.jar like that. Are you clear. Thanx and Regards > package package2;
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