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This page contains an archived post to the Java Answers Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.
No, front slash '/' is not special, backslash '\' is (it is an escape character for strings). If you are using the path "c:/pathname/java.exe", you don't need to (and shouldn't) double them. If you are using the path "c:\\pathname\\java.exe" As for the original question, what do you mean by "doesn't work?" If it is a console app, you just need add a "hit any key" (and wait for input) to the end of the program. If the program is beyond your control, you can wrap it in a batch file with the call to it followed by pause and have your program call the batch (or even dynamically create the batch in %temp%, as needed, then call it). Or, finally, you can find and modify the pif file for java.exe and change it to not "close window on exit." (I'll rent you my copy of Windows Undocumented File Formats, if you need to do this programmatically). - mfg > i think, it doesn't works beause "/" is a special sign. to make the compiler accepting it, you have to put "//".Like
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