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JVM exits
Posted by Rajesh on August 22, 2001 at 5:49 PM
I am facing problem in my application, When I run my Java application. Most of the time it run's fine but sometimes at the start it exit the JVM. Why? I start my application with the GUI(JFrame), sometimes it shows the JFrame for a sec and JVM exits. Most of the time it works fine but sometimes it exits. Is this is the Thread problem. I am using thread for some other propose. I checked it properly and lastly i commented the thread protion to check the problem But the problem still aries. I did not get any exception and anything else. Do have any solution or can you suggest me why this is happening. I checked my code but it does not throw the exception, I also saw most of the archive but failed... I will be thankful if someone suggest something or the probable cause of it. Rajesh