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Converting string to numbers
Posted by absm on April 10, 2001 at 11:30 AM
Could someone please test with the following command line arguments 4.5 and 87.2 Please show how you did it if it worked ? When these are used as command line arguments the output is as follows: a+b = 91.7 a-b = -82.7 a*b = 392.4 a/b = 0.0516055 a%b = 4.5 public class ValueOfDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { //this program requires two arguments on the command line if (args.length == 2) { //convert strings to numbers float a = Float.valueOf(args[0]).floatValue(); float b = Float.valueOf(args[1]).floatValue(); //do some arithmetic System.out.println("a + b = " + (a + b) ); System.out.println("a - b = " + (a - b) ); System.out.println("a * b = " + (a * b) ); System.out.println("a / b = " + (a / b) ); System.out.println("a % b = " + (a % b) ); } else { System.out.println("This program requires two command-line arguments."); } } }