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This page contains an archived post to the Java Answers Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.
Hi, This is the scenario, A html file, called Rooms.php and it has two links "Rooms.php?nick=jut&icono=imagen3.gif&puerto=10802&name=room10802" target = "_blank"> and Rooms.php is something like <applet code = ChatApplet width = 478 height = 320 name = echo $name ?> So, I have a html that opens two different browser windows on the fly from the same page, and I call Even I have noticed that the childs browser window inheriths from the parent window, I noticed it when I realized I just have on Java Console window, How can I manage this situation?, How can I refer to differents JVM?, IE and Netscape, in both is the same problem, or is it possible? Thanks in advance Replies: |
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