1.1 - Thu., October 14, 2002: Released 1.1beta4 as 1.1 with no changes to the code or this specification.
1.1beta4 - Thu., July 11, 2002: Made a
1.1beta4 release in which the doPrivileged statements are removed from
the UIDescriptor.getUIFactory method.
Removed the sentence, "Because setting
and getting the context class loader is a privileged operation, the getUIFactory()
method wraps those operations in AccessController.doPrivileged() calls," from the
description of getUIFactory in section 2 of this specification.
1.1beta3 - Thu., Mar. 7, 2002: Many changes to accompany the 1.1beta3 release
Added Section 9, Consistent Serialized Forms, which
describes a slight narrowing of the contracts of the constructors of UIDescriptor,
Locales, UIFactoryTypes, and RequiredPackages. These
constructors are now required to copy the contents of the passed Set or
Map to an unmodifiable version that has a consistent serialized form
across all VMs.
Changed the implementation and contract of AccessibleUI.hashcode
so that it returns the hashcode of its fully qualified String name, rather than
the hashcode of its Class instance.
Added UIDescriptorBean to net.jini.lookup.entry, as suggested
by the Jini Lookup Attributes Schema specification.
Theresa Gonzales edited the entire spec for English, and I went over it again after that. Lots
of minor changes to clarify sentences, but no change in semantics.
Changed "service object" to "service proxy," to tow the line with
commonly used Jini jargon.
Modified the Javadoc of MainUI, AdminUI,
and AboutUI to match the semantics given in the
specification. Originally (prior to the 1.0 release), these role
interfaces defined their role object to be exactly the service item.
Ken Arnold requested we say that the service item must be accepted
as the role object, which yields more flexibility. Although a
service item is required to always work when passed as the role
object to factory methods for main, admin, and about UIs, other
objects may also work. I made this change back then to the
specification, but forgot to change the Javadoc comments. The
specification and the Javadoc comments are now in sync.
1.1 - Wed., Aug. 22, 2001:
Fixed two method names in JDialogFactory that were both incorrectly
named getDialog()
in ServiceUI 1.0. The methods are now correctly named getJDialog().
Added serialVersionIDs
to all classes in the API in order to accelerate deserialization. Improved
javadoc comments: added missing serial, author, param, throws, and return
tags, as well as added clarifying javadoc text where it seemed helpful.
Added flat javadoc documentation to the end of Service UI API Specification
to make sure the API's semantics are specified in detail in the
specification itself.
1.0 - Mon., Apr. 24, 2000:
Only changed the specification's version number from 0.9.2 to 1.0 in order
to match the version number of the code now released under the Sun
Community Source License (SCSL).
0.9.2 - Sun., Mar. 12, 2000:
Fixed typo: Changed Administratable
to Administrable.
Fixed grammar: In last paragraph of section 3.1, changed "had"
to "had had."
0.9.1 - Mon., Mar. 6, 2000:
Only changed the specification's version number from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1 to
match the code's revised version number. Fixed some bugs in version 0.9.1
code, which are described on the Code Access
page: http://www.artima.com/jini/serviceui/CodeAccess.html.
0.9.0 - Tue., Feb. 22, 2000:
Fixed four grammar typos, without changing specification meaning. In
section 3.2, paragraph 2, the main UI's associated service item must be
accepted as the role object, rather than required as the role
object. In section 3.3, paragraph 2, the admin UI's associated service
item must be accepted as the role object, rather than required
as the role object. In section 3.4, paragraph 2, the about UI's associated
service item must be accepted as the role object, rather than required
as the role object. In section 3.7, paragraph 2, changed "simply
shouldn't extend" to "simply shouldn't in general
extend." In section 3.7, added paragraph 3, which starts,
"Nevertheless, if some party...."
0.8.1 - Wed., Feb. 9, 2000:
In MainUI,
and AboutUI,
changed constant role
to ROLE.
In all factories, changed toolkit to TOOLKIT and typeName
0.8.0 - Tue., Feb. 8, 2000:
One last pass. Mostly minor tweaks except for the last few sections, which
had some major surgery.
0.7 - Mon., Feb. 7, 2000:
Reviewed and cleaned up a lot of text. A few sections near the end are
still a bit rough. Will post version 0.8 tonight, which will serve as the
starting point for the two-week ServiceUI review phase.
0.6 - Sat., Feb. 5, 2000:
Fleshed out remaining sections, though some of it is rough.
0.5 - Thu., Feb. 3, 2000:
Fleshed out material in most sections. Added a new section on third-party
0.4 - Wed., Feb. 2, 2000:
Incorporated changes decided upon with Jini architects at the 2nd meeting.
Document now offers a good general overview.
0.3 - Mon., Jan. 31, 2000:
Fixed a few typos in Main UI semantics.
0.2 - Sun., Jan. 30, 2000:
Added introduction, revised semantics of Main/Admin/About UI roles,
dropped Flavor
and FlavorSelectorUI.