Is this where I talk about method naming? If so, "Vigorous writing is concise." would
be a good quote for short method names. Use the names in Collection package, perhaps compare
the names of Enumeration and Iterator. Maybe here is where I talk about naming in general. -->
Being One Thing
Guideline: Keep objects focused.
Objects should be one thing.
What does it mean to be an object?
Being an object means offering a bundle of services.
All objects of the same class offer the same bundle of services.
The bundle of services offered by an object should be focused (cohesive).
Good Writing and Good Business
This is good writing: Paragraphs should be about one thing. Essays/
Papers/Chapters/Books/Poems/Web Pages should be focused on one thing.
This guideline is not about computers, its about communicating
with people.
Designers communicate semantics to clients, so clients understand
how to use the object.
Designers are writing -- communicating to clients (humans) through
documentation and code.
It is easier to understand something that's about one thing.
Also good business: Objects should do one thing and do it well.
It is easier for programmers to create objects that are
focused narrowly on particular vertical service niches, as opposed
to trying to create one object that tries to be everything
to everybody.