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When a new thread is launched, the Java virtual machine creates a new Java stack for the thread. As mentioned earlier, a Java stack stores a thread's state in discrete frames. The Java virtual machine only performs two operations directly on Java Stacks: it pushes and pops frames.
The method that is currently being executed by a thread is the thread's current method. The stack frame for the current method is the current frame. The class in which the current method is defined is called the current class, and the current class's constant pool is the current constant pool. As it executes a method, the Java virtual machine keeps track of the current class and current constant pool. When the virtual machine encounters instructions that operate on data stored in the stack frame, it performs those operations on the current frame.
When a thread invokes a Java method, the virtual machine creates and pushes a new frame onto the thread's Java stack. This new frame then becomes the current frame. As the method executes, it uses the frame to store parameters, local variables, intermediate computations, and other data.
A method can complete in either of two ways. If a method completes by returning, it is said to have normal completion. If it completes by throwing an exception, it is said to have abrupt completion. When a method completes, whether normally or abruptly, the Java virtual machine pops and discards the method's stack frame. The frame for the previous method then becomes the current frame.
All the data on a thread's Java stack is private to that thread. There is no way for a thread to access or alter the Java stack of another thread. Because of this, you need never worry about synchronizing multi- threaded access to local variables in your Java programs. When a thread invokes a method, the method's local variables are stored in a frame on the invoking thread's Java stack. Only one thread can ever access those local variables: the thread that invoked the method.
Like the method area and heap, the Java stack and stack frames need not be contiguous in memory. Frames could be allocated on a contiguous stack, or they could be allocated on a heap, or some combination of both. The actual data structures used to represent the Java stack and stack frames is a decision of implementation designers. Implementations may allow users or programmers to specify an initial size for Java stacks, as well as a maximum or minimum size.
The stack frame has three parts: local variables, operand stack, and frame data. The sizes of the local variables and operand stack, which are measured in words, depend upon the needs of each individual method. These sizes are determined at compile time and included in the class file data for each method. The size of the frame data is implementation dependent.
When the Java virtual machine invokes a Java method, it checks the class data to determine the number of words required by the method in the local variables and operand stack. It creates a stack frame of the proper size for the method and pushes it onto the Java stack.
The local variables section of the Java stack frame is organized as a zero-based array of words.
Instructions that use a value from the local variables section provide an index into the zero-based array.
Values of type int
, float
, reference
, and
occupy one entry in the local variables array. Values of type
, short
, and char
are converted to
before being stored into the local variables. Values of type
and double
occupy two consecutive entries in the array.
To refer to a long or double in the local variables, instructions provide the index of the first of the two
consecutive entries occupied by the value. For example, if a long
occupies array entries
three and four, instructions would refer to that long
by index three. All values in the
local variables are word-aligned. Dual-entry long
s and double
can start at any index.
The local variables section contains a method's parameters and local variables. Compilers place the parameters into the local variable array first, in the order in which they are declared. Figure 5-9 shows the local variables section for the following two methods:
// On CD-ROM in file jvm/ex3/Example3a.java class Example3a { public static int runClassMethod(int i, long l, float f, double d, Object o, byte b) { return 0; } public int runInstanceMethod(char c, double d, short s, boolean b) { return 0; } }
Note that Figure 5-9 shows that the first parameter in the local variables for
is of type reference
, even though
no such parameter appears in the source code. This is the hidden this
reference passed
to every instance method. Instance methods use this reference to access the instance data of the object upon
which they were invoked. As you can see by looking at the local variables for
in Figure 5-9, class methods do not receive a hidden
. Class methods are not invoked on objects. You can't directly access a class's
instance variables from a class method, because there is no instance associated with the method invocation.
Note also that types byte
, short
, char
and boolean
in the source code become int
s in the local
variables. This is also true of the operand stack. As mentioned earlier, the boolean
type is not supported directly by the Java virtual machine. The Java compiler always uses
s to represent boolean
values in the local variables or
operand stack. Data types byte
, short
, and
, however, are supported directly by the Java virtual machine. These can be stored
on the heap as instance variables or array elements, or in the method area as class variables. When placed
into local variables or the operand stack, however, values of type byte
, and char
are converted into int
They are manipulated as int
s while on the stack frame, then converted back into
, short
, or char
when stored back into
heap or method area.
Also note that Object
is passed as a reference to
. In Java, all objects are passed by reference. As all objects are
stored on the heap, you will never find an image of an object in the local variables or operand stack, only
object references.
Aside from a method's parameters, which compilers must place into the local variables array first and in
order of declaration, Java compilers can arrange the local variables array as they wish. Compilers can place
the method's local variables into the array in any order, and they can use the same array entry for more than
one local variable. For example, if two local variables have limited scopes that don't overlap, such as the
and j
local variables in Example3b
compilers are free to use the same array entry for both variables. During the first half of the method, before
comes into scope, entry zero could be used for i
. During the
second half of the method, after i
has gone out of scope, entry zero could be used for
// On CD-ROM in file jvm/ex3/Example3b.java class Example3b { public static void runtwoLoops() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { System.out.println(i); } for (int j = 9; j >= 0; --j) { System.out.println(j); } } }
As with all the other runtime memory areas, implementation designers can use whatever data structures
they deem most appropriate to represent the local variables. The Java virtual machine specification does not
indicate how long
s and double
s should be split across the two
array entries they occupy. Implementations that use a word size of 64 bits could, for example, store the
entire long or double in the lower of the two consecutive entries, leaving the higher entry unused.
Like the local variables, the operand stack is organized as an array of words. But unlike the local variables, which are accessed via array indices, the operand stack is accessed by pushing and popping values. If an instruction pushes a value onto the operand stack, a later instruction can pop and use that value.
The virtual machine stores the same data types in the operand stack that it stores in the local variables:
, long
, float
, reference
, and returnType
. It
converts values of type byte
, short
, and
to int
before pushing them onto the operand stack.
Other than the program counter, which can't be directly accessed by instructions, the Java virtual machine has no registers. The Java virtual machine is stack-based rather than register-based because its instructions take their operands from the operand stack rather than from registers. Instructions can also take operands from other places, such as immediately following the opcode (the byte representing the instruction) in the bytecode stream, or from the constant pool. The Java virtual machine instruction set's main focus of attention, however, is the operand stack.
The Java virtual machine uses the operand stack as a work space. Many instructions pop values from the
operand stack, operate on them, and push the result. For example, the iadd
adds two integers by popping two int
s off the top of the operand stack, adding them,
and pushing the int
result. Here is how a Java virtual machine would add two local
variables that contain int
s and store the int
result in a third local
iload_0 // push the int in local variable 0 iload_1 // push the int in local variable 1 iadd // pop two ints, add them, push result istore_2 // pop int, store into local variable 2
In this sequence of bytecodes, the first two instructions, iload_0
, push the int
s stored in local variable positions zero and
one onto the operand stack. The iadd
instruction pops those two
values, adds them, and pushes the int
result back onto the
operand stack. The fourth instruction, istore_2
, pops the result of the add off the top
of the operand stack and stores it into local variable position two. In Figure 5-10, you can see a graphical
depiction of the state of the local variables and operand stack while executing these instructions. In this
figure, unused slots of the local variables and operand stack are left blank.
In addition to the local variables and operand stack, the Java stack frame includes data to support constant pool resolution, normal method return, and exception dispatch. This data is stored in the frame data portion of the Java stack frame.
Many instructions in the Java virtual machine's instruction set refer to entries in the constant pool. Some
instructions merely push constant values of type int
, long
, double
, or String
from the
constant pool onto the operand stack. Some instructions use constant pool entries to refer to classes or
arrays to instantiate, fields to access, or methods to invoke. Other instructions determine whether a
particular object is a descendant of a particular class or interface specified by a constant pool entry.
Whenever the Java virtual machine encounters any of the instructions that refer to an entry in the constant pool, it uses the frame data's pointer to the constant pool to access that information. As mentioned earlier, references to types, fields, and methods in the constant pool are initially symbolic. When the virtual machine looks up a constant pool entry that refers to a class, interface, field, or method, that reference may still be symbolic. If so, the virtual machine must resolve the reference at that time.
Aside from constant pool resolution, the frame data must assist the virtual machine in processing a normal or abrupt method completion. If a method completes normally (by returning), the virtual machine must restore the stack frame of the invoking method. It must set the pc register to point to the instruction in the invoking method that follows the instruction that invoked the completing method. If the completing method returns a value, the virtual machine must push that value onto the operand stack of the invoking method.
The frame data must also contain some kind of reference to the method's exception table, which the virtual machine uses to process any exceptions thrown during the course of execution of the method. An exception table, which is described in detail in Chapter 17, "Exceptions," defines ranges within the bytecodes of a method that are protected by catch clauses. Each entry in an exception table gives a starting and ending position of the range protected by a catch clause, an index into the constant pool that gives the exception class being caught, and a starting position of the catch clause's code.
When a method throws an exception, the Java virtual machine uses the exception table referred to by the frame data to determine how to handle the exception. If the virtual machine finds a matching catch clause in the method's exception table, it transfers control to the beginning of that catch clause. If the virtual machine doesn't find a matching catch clause, the method completes abruptly. The virtual machine uses the information in the frame data to restore the invoking method's frame. It then rethrows the same exception in the context of the invoking method.
In addition to data to support constant pool resolution, normal method return, and exception dispatch, the stack frame may also include other information that is implementation dependent, such as data to support debugging.
Implementation designers can represent the Java stack in whatever way they wish. As mentioned earlier, one potential way to implement the stack is by allocating each frame separately from a heap. As an example of this approach, consider the following class:
// On CD-ROM in file jvm/ex3/Example3c.java class Example3c { public static void addAndPrint() { double result = addTwoTypes(1, 88.88); System.out.println(result); } public static double addTwoTypes(int i, double d) { return i + d; } }
Figure 5-11 shows three snapshots of the Java stack for a thread that invokes the
method. In the implementation of the Java virtual machine
represented in this figure, each frame is allocated separately from a heap. To invoke the
method, the addAndPrint()
method first
pushes an int
one and double
88.88 onto its operand stack. It
then invokes the addTwoTypes()
The instruction to invoke addTwoTypes()
refers to a constant pool entry. The
Java virtual machine looks up the entry and resolves it if necessary.
Note that the addAndPrint()
method uses the constant pool to identify the
method, even though it is part of the same class. Like references to
fields and methods of other classes, references to the fields and methods of the same class are
initially symbolic and must be resolved before they are used.
The resolved constant pool entry points to information in the method area about the
method. The virtual machine uses this information to determine the
sizes required by addTwoTypes()
for the local variables and operand stack. In the
class file generated by Sun's javac
compiler from the JDK 1.1,
requires three words in the local variables and four words in the
operand stack. (As mentioned earlier, the size of the frame data portion is implementation dependent.) The
virtual machine allocates enough memory for the addTwoTypes()
frame from a heap.
It then pops the double
and int
parameters (88.88 and one) from
's operand stack and places them into
's local variable slots one and zero.
When addTwoTypes()
returns, it first pushes the double
return value (in this case, 89.88) onto its operand stack. The virtual machine uses the information in the
frame data to locate the stack frame of the invoking method, addAndPrint()
. It
pushes the double
return value onto addAndPrint()
operand stack and frees the memory occupied by addTwoType()
's frame. It makes
's frame current and continues executing the
method at the first instruction past the
method invocation.
Figure 5-12 shows snapshots of the Java stack of a different virtual machine implementation executing
the same methods. Instead of allocating each frame separately from a heap, this implementation allocates
frames from a contiguous stack. This approach allows the implementation to overlap the frames of adjacent
methods. The portion of the invoking method's operand stack that contains the parameters to the invoked
method become the base of the invoked method's local variables. In this example,
's entire operand stack becomes
's entire local variables section.
This approach saves memory space because the same memory is used by the calling method to store the parameters as is used by the invoked method to access the parameters. It saves time because the Java virtual machine doesn't have to spend time copying the parameter values from one frame to another.
Note that the operand stack of the current frame is always at the "top" of the Java stack. Although this may be easier to visualize in the contiguous memory implementation of Figure 5-12, it is true no matter how the Java stack is implemented. (As mentioned earlier, in all the graphical images of the stack shown in this book, the stack grows downwards. The "top" of the stack is always shown at the bottom of the picture.) Instructions that push values onto (or pop values off of) the operand stack always operate on the current frame. Thus, pushing a value onto the operand stack can be seen as pushing a value onto the top of the entire Java stack. In the remainder of this book, "pushing a value onto the stack" refers to pushing a value onto the operand stack of the current frame.
One other possible approach to implementing the Java stack is a hybrid of the two approaches shown in Figure 5-11 and Figure 5-12. A Java virtual machine implementation can allocate a chunk of contiguous memory from a heap when a thread starts. In this memory, the virtual machine can use the overlapping frames approach shown in Figure 5-12. If the stack outgrows the contiguous memory, the virtual machine can allocate another chunk of contiguous memory from the heap. It can use the separate frames approach shown in Figure 5-11 to connect the invoking method's frame sitting in the old chunk with the invoked method's frame sitting in the new chunk. Within the new chunk, it can once again use the contiguous memory approach.
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