JSR 214, Micro BPSS for J2ME Devices, is now available for review. This specification will define a standard set of APIs for representing and manipulating Collaboration Profile and Agreement information described by ebXML CPPA (Collaboration Protocol Profile/Agreement)documents on J2ME Devices.
You can download the specification, or nominate yourself for the expert group, here:
This JSR is to provide a standard set of APIs for representing and manipulating Collaboration Profile and Agreement information described by ebXML CPPA (Collaboration Protocol Profile/Agreement)documents on J2ME Devices.
These APIs will define a way to construct and manipulate various profile information corresponding to the CPP/A.
The profile information can be derived from a CPP document or constructed through the API provided or constructed by accessing a ebXML Registriy/Repository using JAXR.
The APIs would also enable J2ME Device users to create a base profile by taking information from a Business Process Specification document.