Sun has submitted three proposals covering multiple specifications produced by the Davis Project to the Jini Community for approval as standards under the Jini Community Decision Process (JDP). The specifications are divided into three groups; each group is submitted as a separate Proposal for voting purposes.
Proposal One: New Programming Models and Infrastructure - covers security, constraints, configuration, exporters, and class loading
Proposal Two: New RMI Infrastructure - covers Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI), exporter support for JRMP, RMI-IIOP, and activation, and marshalling and UUID utilities
Proposal Three: Changes to Existing Specifications - covers changes to existing standard Jini network technology specifications, including making utility classes configurable and a new version of the discovery protocols
Discussion about Davis of interest to the Jini Community in general will take place on and discussion of narrower interest will take place on