The Web site provides information on Java books that you can order online. The Web site classifies books by major themes such as "Enterprise Java", that are further detailed in specific topics such as "EJB", "JDBC", etc. The Web site is entirely automated and refreshed every hour in order to ensure accurate pricing information.
Version 2.0 adds the following new major enhancements:
a) Price comparison The offers of and are now available in addition to the one of The user can now compare prices and buy from the best bookstore.
b) Search box The user can now search Java book titles by keyword, search books by ISBN or by author.
c) RSS feeds The user can subscribe to RSS feeds to be notified whenever a new Java book can be ordered on-line. RSS feeds on specific Java topics such as books on EJB or Struts technology, for example, are also available and can even be combined. RSS feeds are intended to classical newsreaders such as Feedreader, but also to Webmasters who would like to list on their own Web site the latests books on specific Java topics.
I really hope that you will enjoy this new version. Don't hesitate to post me your comments and ideas of enhancement.