No doubt the authors are very busy, but like Ferris says "life moves pretty fast" -and with 2.10 at RC2...
As a fall-back position, a page on this site for the 2nd edition that had a list of "changed at 2.9, refer foo-bar" (like errata but not) would make the 2nd edition a lot more attractive (and be good prep for 3rd I guess). I just want to be certain I am not heading down an out of date path.
A "buy 2nd edition, get 3rd when it happens" package deal would also be enticing.
[I have 1st edition and am very pleased with it -it starts every morning and gets great gas mileage]
> > We will need to do another edition eventually, but it > > hasn't been planned yet when, so that means it will be > > quite a good while. > > Are there any recent plans? :) > > I would love to read more about parallel collections, and > the integration with akka.
> Not yet, sorry. But we really do need to do this at some point. Right now we're all very busy and haven't figured out how to set aside the time to do it. But thanks for pinging.
Oh Darn! IMHO Programmin in Scala is by far the best overall boom on Scala. I was really hoping to hear something more specific about a 3rd edition. The 2nd edition is still great, but a new edition covering new features, especially in Scala 2.10/2.11 would have been great.
Hey guys, we're past the halfway mark into 2015. Wondering if there's any hope of a 3rd edition? Looking a bit bleak from over here... but don't want to rule it out if there's still hope :)