JIDE Software has released as beta a new charting package for Swing: JIDE Charts. This package offers many ways to present data in different types of charts that can help users visualize and understand the data.
JIDE Software has made an initial beta release of of JIDE Charts: a new package for Swing that allows users to understand and explore data through charts. It supports many different chart types, including line plots, scatter plots, bar charts, pie charts, and gauges. You can see a feature list and screenshots at:
The library embraces the model-view-controller pattern and has been designed so that you can switch from one visual paradigm to another, such as switching from a bar chart to a pie chart, with minimal coding effort. It supports axes for the display of numerical, time-series or categorical data. The visual appearance of charts is customizable with choice of colors, shapes and sizes, or custom renderers.
Swing can be used to make very attractive user interfaces, however, much effort has gone into JavaFX in recent years. What is your feeling about Swing today? When would you choose to program in Swing instead of JavaFX, and vice versa?