Greg Engel
Posts: 1
Nickname: killroyboy
Registered: Jan, 2007
Re: What is the Worst Code You've Ever Seen?
Posted: Jan 16, 2007 11:21 AM
Yes this is Java. Not that it matters. In c in would be heinous. This is meant to change 1 line at the end of a series of WSDL files. <soap:address location="http://<<replace>>/am/amService"/> private void makeCustomerWSDLs(){ int updatedCount = 0; String cn = customer_name; String curl = customer_url; int numberofwsdlsincategory = 4; String[] fileCopiedTo = {cn+"-AM-PROD-CSTMR.wsdl",cn+"-LM-PROD-CSTMR.wsdl",cn+"-XTVD-PROD-CSTMR.wsdl",c n+"-XMD-PROD-CSTMR.wsdl", cn+"-AM-STAGE-CSTMR.wsdl",cn+"-LM-STAGE-CSTMR.wsdl",cn+"-XTVD-STAGE-CSTMR.wsdl" ,cn+"-XMD-STAGE-CSTMR.wsdl", cn+"-AM-PROD-TNNL.wsdl",cn+"-LM-PROD-TNNL.wsdl",cn+"-XTVD-PROD-TNNL.wsdl",cn+"- XMD-PROD-TNNL.wsdl", cn+"-AM-STAGE-TNNL.wsdl",cn+"-LM-STAGE-TNNL.wsdl",cn+"-XTVD-STAGE-TNNL.wsdl",cn +"-XMD-STAGE-TNNL.wsdl", cn+"-AM-DEV.wsdl",cn+"-LM-DEV.wsdl",cn+"-XTVD-DEV.wsdl",cn+"-XMD-DEV.wsdl"}; String[] fileCopiedFrom = {"./templates/am.wsdl","./templates/lm.wsdl","./templates/xtvd.wsdl","./templat es/xmd.wsdl"}; for(int iter = 0; iter < fileCopiedTo.length; iter++){ if((iter < 8 || !prdstgonly)&&((iter%4 == 0 && makeam)||(iter%4 == 1 && makelm)||(iter%4 == 2 && makextvd)||(iter%4 == 3 && makexmd))){ try { if (iter == 0) { customer_url = "https://bla." + curl + "" + curl; } else if (iter < 1 * numberofwsdlsincategory) { customer_url = "http://bla." + curl + "" + curl; if(iter%4 == 3){ customer_url = ""+ cn; } } else if (iter < 2 * numberofwsdlsincategory) { //Customer Stage WSDLs // customer_url = "http://bla." + curl + "" + curl; if(iter%4 == 3){ //Movies URL - customer_url = ""+ cn; } } else if (iter < 3 * numberofwsdlsincategory) { customer_url = "http://bla:8911/" + curl; if(iter%4 == 3){ //Movies URL - customer_url = ""+ cn; } } else if (iter < 4 * numberofwsdlsincategory) { customer_url = "http://bla:8011/" + curl; if(iter%4 == 3){ customer_url = ""+ cn; } } else if (iter < 5 * numberofwsdlsincategory) { //Development WSDLs //http://bla:10000/bla/curl customer_url = "http://bla:10000/tvapp/" + curl; if(iter%4 == 3){ //Movies URL - http://bla:10000/bla/moviesSoap?customer=curl customer_url = "http://bla:10000/bla/bla?customer="+ cn; } } updatedCount++; File fromFile = new File(fileCopiedFrom[iter % 4]); // Number of Template WSDLs FileReader fromReader = new FileReader(fromFile); BufferedReader buffedRead = new BufferedReader(fromReader, (int) fromFile.length()); File toFile = new File(fileCopiedTo[iter]); FileWriter toWriter = new FileWriter(toFile); BufferedWriter buffedWrite = new BufferedWriter(toWriter, (int) fromFile.length()); int read = 0; int[] replace = {'r', 'e', 'p', 'l', 'a', 'c', 'e'}; int[] compare = new int[(int) fromFile.length()]; int charNum = 0; while ((read = != -1) { compare[charNum++] = read; } int y = 0; while (y < charNum) { if (y + 6 < charNum && compare[y + 0] == replace[0] && compare[y + 1] == replace[1] && compare[y + 2] == replace[2] && compare[y + 3] == replace[3] && compare[y + 4] == replace[4] && compare[y + 5] == replace[5] && compare[y + 6] == replace[6]) { buffedWrite.write(customer_url, 0, customer_url.length()); y = y + 7; } else { buffedWrite.write(compare[y]); y++; } } buffedWrite.flush(); buffedWrite.close(); buffedRead.close(); } catch (Exception oops) { oops.printStackTrace(); } } } }