Andy Dent
Posts: 165
Nickname: andydent
Registered: Nov, 2005
Re: Implicit Arguments in Scala
Posted: Apr 1, 2008 4:36 PM
On re-reading this blog entry and the comments, one thing struck me - the utter futility of using simple examples that lead to negative judgements.
If a feature is powerful in a given manner of using it but can be misinterpreted, why invite the grief by starting with an example you just know is going to show it at less than its best?
I keep thinking there's a subtext here, somewhere in the back of someone's mind is the little voice saying I know feature X is really powerful but boy, it's such a pain to actually use it in a powerful manner. I'll just wave my hands and present a simple example in a skimpy costume and hope everyone buys the the illusion. ;-)