This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by Stephan Schmidt.
Original Post: 1d patForms 0.9.0 alpha released 13
Feed Title: a programmer's best friend
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Feed Description: The blog of PHP Application Tools
Today, Sebastian released the first public version of patForms. Here's what he wrote in his release announcement:
"Many were eagerly awaiting this moment, and this is it: patForms is out, It's only an alpha version, but that depends on the parts of patForms you will be using. In you don't know what our form abstraction class is or what it can do for you, have a look at the overview. Otherwise, download and test away! Just make sure you report any bugs you find via our patBugzilla."
So the next thing is to propose this package to PEAR as it would allow us a faster release cycle and provide a better infrastructure. And it would introduce this package to a broader audience.
If you haven't tried patForms yet, now's the perfect time for it.