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by Alan Knowles.
Original Post: 11 Frankfurt Summary 15
Feed Title: Smoking toooo much PHP
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Feed Description: More than just a blog :)
Well, thanks to 20 hours traveling, my 1hr talk seemed to go reasonably well, given I was a little jetlagged/recoving from flu, and had to drink alot of water during it.
The slides are available as a openoffice presents file, The do point out a few of the more annoying gotcha's on PHP5, that appear to crop up. and discuss some of the more interesting issues, one I fumbled around at the talk was that I cant see any clean way to make current PHP4 packages E_STRICT safe, without changing the package name. (It's just going to shock too many people, even if the installer 'can' fix it)
The rest of the conference was taken up chatting to a few of the other developers (interestingly alot more PEAR developers, where around, and rather few PHP developers). An afternoon nap, trying to adjust breifly to European timezone, and a reasonable amount of drinking.
I did manage to go to a few of the talks, Mark Mathew's talk about Mysql Performance (part of the mysql com con) tuning was interesting, not only as I've been having huge problems with a few queries recently, but also that it had some focus on java and EJB's, which drew java developers into a crowd of PHP geeks. Rather than being an opportunity to convert, or argue the benifits of both languages, it showed that developers with any language suffer the same or similar real issues.
The Mysql talk was reasonably useful (although the App server stuff was obviously not that relivant), the mention of 'sar' for monitor and log server performance over time, and mention of index's. As I mentioned to Mark breifly after the talk, He could perhaps expanded the section about indexes and explain.
He seemed to skip over what seems to be an inhouse secret at mysql. When searching multiple columns of a table (or multiple ones in a join), mysql will only use one index. eg.
SELECT a,b,c FROM d WHERE e > 5 and c <6 order by g
I used to thing a perfect index arangement for table d would be. CREATE INDEX d_e ON d(e); CREATE INDEX d_c ON d(c); CREATE INDEX d_g ON d(g); This, it turns out is completly useless..
You should create a multiple column index CREATE INDEX d_q1 ON d(e,c,g);
The only other talk I caught before I had to fly out was harmut's PECL_Gen, which while not following PEAR standards, looks reasonably interesting. I think however, until it supports something that looks more like C for the body part of the code generation, the thought of writing code into an XML file just scares me..
Ah well, nice to get back to humidity and hot weather. (28C when I landed back in Hong Kong)