This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by Stephan Schmidt.
Original Post: 10 Up, up and away! 13
Feed Title: a programmer's best friend
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Feed Description: The blog of PHP Application Tools
SessionServer - Maintaining state between different servers
The big documentation extravaganza
The first talk will focus on one of my PEAR packages, HTTP_SessionServer, which provides a simple daemon that is able to store key/value pairs on a remote server. It comes with some PHP functions that you can register with session_set_save_handler().
My second presentation will not contain any code, but is a short trip through the land of documentation tools. It will showcase tools like phpDocumentor, DoxyGen, reST and DocBook.
I'm also looking forward to attending a lot of other sessions. On Sunday, Lukas and Toby will be giving a 6 hours workshop on PEAR, where they will be using my Services_Ebay package in combination with MDB2, Quickform and a bunch of other packages. Furthermore I plan to attend Chregu's XML-talks as well as Volker's talks on XUL and SOAP. You can find a timetable of all sessions on the conference website
The International PHP Magazine has set up a conference-blog and all speakers will be able to post their thoughts there, so you probably should bookmark their site to get all the latest information.