This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by Tobias Schlitt.
Original Post: Impressions from LinuxWorld
Feed Title: Tobias Schlitt - Weblog
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Feed Description: a passion for php
The LinuxWorld Conference & Expo ended yesterday. Sadly, I could only attend 2 afternoons, since I have to study right now and didn't want to miss some of my first lectures. Stefan N. and Aaron Wormus maintained the PEAR booth most of the time.
In general, the LinuxWorld is a fair like Systems or CeBit, also it's much smaller and Linux focused. In contrast to the Linuxtag in Karlsruhe it's much much more sales oriented and not so geek. There were several open source'ers presenting their projects (the usual suspects like Debian, KDE and Co.), but the base of exhibitors were companies like IBM and Red Hat. I think this is natural, since Frankfurt is one of the business capitals in Germany.
Nevertheless, it's been a nice fair from my point of view and in the time I was there we had some very interessted people there which will propably start using PEAR and could fix some problems people had. Thanks to Aaron and Stefan for their work at the booth! :)