This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by Sebastian Bergmann.
Original Post: Classloader-1.0.0 Released
Feed Title: Sebastian Bergmann
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Geek by nature, PHP by choice.
I made an initial release of the Classloader package which is developed as a part of the AspectPHP project.
Classloader is a framework for loading PHP classes that uses the __autoload() function and allows for two types of plugins: resolvers and loaders. A resolver resolves the name of a class to its source file and a loader loads the source for a class.
The default implementation of Classloader_Resolver resolves the name of a class to a source filename using the PEAR convention which assumes that the source file for Package_Class can be found at Package/Class.php.
The default implementation of Classloader_Loader simply loads a class' source from a given file.
Refactory, which is another package developed as part of AspectPHP, provides a Classloader_Loader implementation that allows for various code transformations at loadtime.