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by Forum One.
Original Post: Detail templates for Content Types
Feed Title: Syntax Framework
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Feed Description: Finally, a place to answer Syntax questions
Detail pages display a particular record on a site. If you have datatype specific modules, you might be tempted to have a detail.php capability within it - usually by just copying the detail.php file from the general module. Unless you'll be implementing a lot of custom code on the detail page, say to hook in to a third party shopping cart app, you're probably safer just re-using the general detail script.
Let's assume you have Press Releases to display and have put the related code in modules/press_release. Your user.conf.php file would have at least the following lines to register the module:
By NOT specifying a detail capability above, Syntax will route requests to /content/press_releases/detail/444 through modules/general/detail.php. This gains you a few things:
Fetching the record is done using collections, so that record privileges will be checked and enforced. If a record is restricted to a specific group or user, then it will only be displayed to them.
Will check if the datatype is in the exposed content datatypes list.
Breadcrumb to the detail page will be automatically built depending on if user's came to the page from a section or another module.
Less time coding or copying this code and one less file to manage.
Detail.php is smart enough to look for a custom detail.tpl file to use to display the matching record. It will look in the first module that works with the specified datatype. So, in this case it would look for modules/press_release/templates/detail.tpl and use that file if it exists. In your custom template, you have to use the $Record variable to get information out for display.