This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by nucleuz.
Original Post: php unicode support and 5.1
Feed Title: NuCleuZ
Feed URL:
Feed Description: PHP5 and web development
in a interesting discussion on the 5.1 roadmap Wez maps out some of the plans that will become PHP5.1, one thing that is really interesting is the the following regarding unicode support: would be nice if we had some kind of "String" class (would
be nice to use that as the class name...) that used the overloading
features of the engine to make it smell like a regular string. It
would be aware of, at least, the most common charset encodings (and
perhaps be able to load in tables for others at runtime) and have
methods to concatentate, split, index by character position (not byte
position) etc. etc. and handle differences in character encodings
transparently. quote from Wez. Unicode support for strings on a engine-level ...